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IoT Starter Kits

Complete with IoT Gateway 2 off IWT Wireless transmitters and access to IoT Platform


12 Jun

New IoT Starter Kits launched in June 2023

IoT Starter Kits are now available from Industrial Interface.

Kits comprise of the following parts:

IoT Gateway with wireless receiver & Cellular modem

Any 2 IWT Wireless transmitters

Access to IoT software platform

'Out the Box' quick start guide

Any 2 off IWT Wireless transmitters can be selected from the following:

IWPT Pressure transmitter
IWTT Temperature transmitter
IWTaT Ambient Temperature
IWTxT 4-20mA transmitter input
IWDigT Switch input transmitter
IWCT Current transformer input
Simply add your choice of IWTs to the notes section of the order form and we will do the rest.

The functionality of the starter kit includes:

HMI on any Web Browser displaying 'live' values
Logging and trending of all data in SQL database
Email alarms with settable alarm levels
Operates on any PC or Smartphone browser
45 days free data and platform access
After the initial 45 day period subscriptions are £ 25.00 per month per Gateway inclusive of hosting, SIM, data and support costs.
Please contact for more information



Detailed technical information is available from each product page



Wireless Fixture Monitoring System installed on large scale CNC machines for Rolls Royce Aerospace in the UK, Germany and USA

Wireless Vibration Systems deployed on multiple BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and Fortescue Metals Group sites across Australia

Wireless Concrete Pressure sensing system deployed across the UK by ND Technology Ltd